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School is open as usual today, the adverse winds have had no impact on the school opening.

Many thanks.


GCSE Results 2023

It’s time to celebrate at King’s Academy Binfield, as Year 11 students receive GCSE results for the first time at the school.  We are delighted with the results of our first cohort who have shown huge amounts of resilience in order to achieve an absolutely fantastic first set of results. 

We are particularly proud of our English results where over 83% or students achieved at least a grade 4 and 35% a grade 7 or higher.In Maths, 78% of students achieved grade 4 or higher. In Biology, Physics and Chemistry, 94% of students achieved grade 4 or higher across the three disciplines with Physics students achieving particularly highly with 80% achieving a grade 5 or more. 

As a school holding the Artsmark Award, we are especially proud of how well students have done in creative subjects with  100% of students achieving a grade 4 or higher in Dance and 100% in Music, whilst in Fine art, 100% of students achieved grade 5 or more.

Congratulations to all King’s Academy Binfield students and their parents, carers and teachers for their hard work this year which has culminated in a set of results of which we are all extremely proud. 

From September, many will be returning to the school to study A Level, as the first Year 12 cohort at the newly opened KAB6 facilities. This promises to be another exciting stage in the school’s development. If you would like more information about our 6th form offer, please visit our 6th form page here.

Mrs Katie Moore, Executive Principal of King’s Academy Binfield & Oakwood, said 

“Our warmest congratulations go to all our students and their families on their excellent achievements. Everyone has worked so hard to ensure that King’s Academy Binfield students make great progress so that they achieve well and have the skills and qualifications they need to be able to take the next steps in their careers with confidence. We look forward to welcoming students to KAB6 in September to begin their A level studies and wish all our students the best of luck in their futures. All our students have shown they really can ‘DARE to be remarkable!’.” 

Nick Cross, CEO of King’s Group Academies said: 

"It is so good to celebrate the good news with our students, staff and parents.  The results today represent five years of hard work.  Congratulations to the students who have done so well and to the staff who have taught them so effectively.”

It is clear from these results that the Year 11 at King’s Academy Binfield have shown that they can DARE to be remarkable.


Primary Virtual Tours

You can find virtual tours for King's Academy Binfield Primary and King's Academy Oakwood on their home pages on our website.

We also have talks from our Early Years Lead and our Key Stage 1 Lead.

You will also find a presentation for parents regarding Entry to Reception. 

If you have any questions regarding September 2023 admissions, please email: for King's Academy Binfield Primary for King's Academy Oakwood

Secondary Open Events September 2023

The Open Evening for Year 7 entry 2024 will be Wednesday 27th September 2023 from 6pm to 9pm.  

The Open Evening is an opportunity for you and your child to come and see subject areas and all the facilities the academy has to offer.  You will be shown around by student ambassadors and have the opportunity to hear a talk by our Executive Principal.

Bookings for our Open Evening will open at the start of September 2023 and the link to book your place will be placed underneath this article. 

We will also have Open Mornings on the days listed below for you to come and see the academy during school time (usually running 9.30am to 10.30am).  Places are limited to 2 spaces per family.  Please note we cannot accommodate younger siblings or pushchairs on the Open Morning tours.  Links for the Open Mornings will be place on here at the start of September 2023.

Friday 29th September 2023     

Monday 2nd October 2023    

Tuesday 3rd October 2023       

Friday 6th October 2023            

Monday 9th October 2023            

Tuesday 10th October 2023                

We look forward to welcoming you to our academy in not too distance future, but in the meantime please do ask your friends and neighbours all about us - we are sure you will love what you hear!

Please watch our virtual tour below.